Tag Archives: kindness

Peace Fills My Soul Inspirational Poster

A Foolproof Formula for Finding Peace During Uncertain Times

A Foolproof Formula for Finding Peace During Uncertain Times Are you feeling uneasy about the future? You’re not alone. Rates of depression and anxiety grew more than 25% starting in 2020, according to one global study. It’s a natural reaction when grocery prices are climbing, and retirement savings are dwindling.…

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1310 Kindness is the Language by Mark Twain Inspirational Graphic

6 Easy Ways to Be Kinder to Yourself

6 Easy Ways to Be Kinder to Yourself Are you kind to yourself? Some of the most generous, caring, and wonderful people in the world forget to look after themselves too. However, if you’re not giving yourself the kindness you deserve, you can’t expect to enjoy a healthy level of…

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Kindness is the Language by Mark Twain

The Power of Random Acts of Kindness

It’s a curious thing, but if you lead by example, people will always follow you, provided the example you set is honest, true, and has moral value. We have all had times when we’ve reached out to complete strangers to offer help or assistance, haven’t we? Consider: How many times…

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Uncertainty Brings Excitement by Positive Affirmations

What Columbo Can Teach You About Living with Uncertainty

The most recent Stress in America Survey by the American Psychological Association found high levels of anxiety. More than 75% of Americans said uncertainty about health issues was a source of stress. One third also reported feeling stressed by financial uncertainty. At times like these, you might want a role…

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A Kindness Too Soon Inspirational Quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson

Why Practicing Random Acts of Kindness is a Smart Move

What is a random act of kindness? It’s doing something kind for someone without receiving any type of reward, reciprocation, or recognition. It could be shoveling your neighbor’s driveway while he sleeps or buying coffee for the next person in line. Random acts of kindness might seem like something that’s…

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6 Ways to Curb Your Criticism of Yourself and Others

6 Ways to Curb Your Criticism of Yourself and Others

Have you ever been told that you’re too hard on yourself? What about toward others? No one appreciates negative criticism, even if you believe you’re being helpful. Believe it or not, your inner self doesn’t appreciate it when you criticize yourself, either. Luckily, you can learn to have a more…

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Gratitude is the Completion of Thankfulness

Helping Others with Acts of Kindness

Being happy and satisfied with your life is a fantastic place to be in. If you feel as though this is you, have you thought about how you could brighten up someone else’s day? A small act of kindness can easily put a smile on the face of a stranger…

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Character Counts: Being a Good Role Model for Your Children

Character Counts: Being a Good Role Model for Your Children We all want to be good role models for our children. An integral part of being that good role model is displaying good character for them. Character is the backbone that will help our children go through life in the…

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Positive Discipline and Character Development

Positive Discipline and Character Development Discipline is something that affects every area of a child’s life. If a parent disciplines in a way that demeans a child, the child could grow up to be a resentful, angry adult. If the parent disciplines in a way that is respectful, the child…

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What Are Character Strengths?

What Are Character Strengths? Character is the basis of all that makes us who we are. Good character is a general term for someone who displays the qualities that makes someone what is considered to be a “good person.” But what are some of the specific character strengths? Here are…

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