Category Archives: Family

Most Precious Gift Parents Can Give Their Children by T.N. Hahn

5 Ways to Help Children Make Smarter Choices

5 Ways to Help Children Make Smarter Choices No human has lived without making some poor choices at some point in their lives. If anything, it seems like making mistakes is natural to the human organism. And for most people, some of these mistakes are so life-changing that they wish…

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2201 Best Thing To Hold Onto by Audrey Hepburn Inspirational Quote Graphic

A Parent’s Guide to Giving Your Child a Healthy Start

A Parent’s Guide to Giving Your Child a Healthy Start Giving your child a healthy start is fundamental. As a parent, you play a major role in their early development. You can help them to adopt habits that will enhance the quality of their life for years to come. Make…

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Over 50? Empty Nest?

Over 50? Empty Nest? Ebook

A] Featured Inspirational Ebook Download your copy of the inspirational ebook below:   “Over 50? Empty Nest?”A Mom’s Guide To Building A Life Without Children The day you had your first child, it was inevitable that this day would come. No child stays home forever, hopefully. You were destined to…

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Wonders of Nature

Plan Nature Outings Your Children Will Love

Nature outings are an ideal way to spend time together as a family and help your children develop an appreciation for the natural world. No matter where you live or the ages of your children, there are several great ways to connect with nature and each other as a family.…

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10 Ideas to Keep Your Kids Busy at Home

Kids. You love them, but they’ll drive you crazy if you let them. It’s not easy to deal with your children each and every day when you’re used to them being at school for 40 hours each week. Having them at home is a significant challenge. You hate to see…

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A Parent’s Guide to Learning Patience with Your Kids

Of course, you love your children, but chances are that on occasion they drive you insane. If this is happening to you, you can maintain greater harmony with your children by practicing the art of patience. When you do, you’ll also be helping your children to learn patience – a…

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Talking To Our Children Inspirational Quote by Peggy O'Mara Inspirational Picture

7 Tips for Raising Children to be Successful

  Every parent wants to raise children that go on to be happy and successful. As a parent, there is a lot you can teach your child that will help them to thrive throughout their life. The habits and characteristics for success are most easily learned in childhood. Once poor…

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You Can Do Anything Inspirational Quote by Katie Beauchamp Inspirational Picture

What Albert Einstein Can Teach Your Kids About Confidence

  Psychologists often describe confidence as a person’s belief in their own ability to succeed. Naturally, every parent would like their child to be self-confident. However, what seems to challenge parents the most is striking a healthy balance when encouraging confidence. They want to nurture their child’s confidence, but not…

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Provide Well For My Family Inspirational Quote by Inspiring Thoughts Inspirational Picture

Investments That Will Make Your Life 100x Easier When You Are a New Parent

  So, you’re pregnant… congratulations! No doubt the news filled you with immense joy and excitement, which was then followed shortly by an equal dose of fear, uncertainty and terror. When you’ve asked your friends for advice and tips, chances are that they’ll have told you the same thing: ‘nothing…

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