Category Archives: Learning

Only Tool You Have Is A Hammer (2467-Maslow)

Who Else Wants to Read More for Pleasure?

Less than 20% of Americans adults read for pleasure on any given day in 2017, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. That’s a new low, and the numbers have been dropping since the 1980s. If you’re like the average adult, you spend 10 hours watching TV for every one…

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2091 Definiteness of Purpose Inspirational Quote by W. Clement Stone Inspirational Picture

9 Benefits of Knowing Your Life’s Purpose

  Do you know your life’s purpose? Most people don’t. In fact, few people have even considered it. That’s a shame, because knowing your life’s purpose makes life more exciting and satisfying. Imagine being excited to live each day! Most people dread getting up and spend the week waiting for…

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Acquire Wisdom Inspirational Quote by Marilyn Vos Savant Inspirational Poster

8 Easy Strategies to Develop Wisdom From Your Experiences

How wise are you? Whether you’re wise or not, you can become a lot wiser than you think! Each day, we have the ability to know at least a little more than we did yesterday. Our ability to understand the world and how the universe works can grow each day,…

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Desires To Reach Their Potential Inspirational Quote by John Maxwell Inspirational Poster

How to Create a Wealth Mindset

Wealth rarely comes without belief and intention. It’s possible to luck your way into financial abundance, but the odds aren’t in your favor. While a wealth mindset isn’t enough to create wealth, it makes wealth possible. If you’re struggling financially, your mindset is the best place to start. It doesn’t…

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Bully Proof Your Children - And What To Do If The Bully Is Yours Inspirational Ebook

Bully Proof Your Children Ebook

A] The Inspirational Ebook Download your copy of the inspirational ebook below:   “Bully Proof Your Children”And What To Do If The Bully Is Yours Bullying is the intentional infliction of physical or emotional pain by a peer. There is also a mismatch of some sort. The bully is either…

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Gateway To New Beginnings Inspirational Quote by Ralph Blum Inspirational Poster

Which Obstacle to Change is Holding You Back?

Change occurs naturally, but it can be difficult to keep it flowing in the direction you want. According to some estimates, 80% of New Year resolutions fail. When it comes to losing weight, more than 95% of dieters regain the weight they lost within three years. Even if you sincerely…

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Need To Listen Well Inspirational Quote by Thuli Madonsela Inspirational Poster

Communication Ideas for Dealing With Disagreements

Unless you live on a mountaintop by yourself, you’re going to have disagreements with others. You’ll never find another person that agrees with you 100% of the time. Whether you’re at work, home, or out in public, there will be times that you disagree with someone. Growing your ability to…

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Creativity Type Of Learning Process Inspirational Quote by Arthur Koestler Inspirational Poster

Accelerate Your Learning With These 9 Tips

Life is long enough that you can learn to do some pretty neat things. You might have to learn a new skill for work or some information for a test. Maybe you just want to learn a new language, to play an instrument, or how to shoot a bow and…

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Your Own Strength Inspirational Quote by Susan Gale Inspirational Poster

How to Identify and Address Your Weaknesses

Dealing with weaknesses is a challenging task for most of us. We instinctively don’t want to think about our weaknesses or deal with them. It feels easier to just accept that we’re not good at something and then avoid it. This isn’t a very fulfilling way to live. You leave…

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You’re Always With Yourself Inspirational Quote by Diane Von Furstenberg Inspirational Poster

How Self-Reflection Can Make You Happier and More Successful

Self-reflection seems to be a dying art. People either feel they don’t have the time or that it’s a waste of time. Others are afraid to take a good, long, hard look at themselves. This is a mistake, because there is so much to be gained by examining yourself and…

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