Category Archives: Talents

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Enhance Your Charisma Ebook

This month, we bring you our Personal Development Blog Ebook of The Month: “Enhance Your Charisma, Enhance Your Life”   Thank you for checking out this month’s personal development ebook. Click on inspiring ebooks for more.   “Those with charisma have the power to influence the world and enjoy a…

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How to Teach Your Child Peacemaking Skills

As parents, we have an amazing privilege and responsibility to the world and our children. The things we model and teach our children will take many years, and last them through their lifetime. Even after they are gone, the legacy they leave will live on in people whose lives they…

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How One Man Can Make a Difference in the World

One of the quickest and most effective ways to grow your confidence and experience self-fulfillment is to contribute to making someone else’s life better. Everyone’s talents and abilities are different. But thankfully, opportunities to serve and make a difference are all around you. Making an impact in your world is…

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How to Be Assertive Without Being Rude or Controlling

How to Be Assertive Without Being Rude or Controlling Assertiveness is an important skill that can make your life more enjoyable, but, unfortunately, it’s also vastly misconstrued. Sometimes it’s difficult to be assertive, or make your beliefs known, while still maintaining peace and understanding. Assertive people often come off as…

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Motivating Your Children to Get Things Done

Motivating Your Children to Get Things Done If you have children, you know how hard it can be at times to get them to do the things they should. Between after school activities, video games, cell phones, and computers, convincing your kids to take care of their household chores and…

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Boosting Your Value Without Traditional Education Ebook

[kc_heading_two size=”16″ color=”#494949″] “How To Get An Education Without Attending College And Without A Lifetime of Debt, Stress, and Family Strain!” [/kc_heading_two]   One of the greatest benefits of the information age is that it has leveled the playing field between those who know and those who need to know.…

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Top Strategies for Building a Top-Notch Team

Top Strategies for Building a Top-Notch Team Leading a team is hard work! There are so many variables that can make the role as team leader challenging. It’s easy to get discouraged when you see that your team isn’t displaying the skills and strengths you thought they had. You’ll probably…

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Making the Most of a Fresh Start

Making the Most of a Fresh Start Fresh starts take place in your life every day. If there’s something you’re doing for the first time, you can consider that a fresh start. The term “fresh start” has a warm, exciting sound to them, but the reality is that something new…

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Encouraging Entrepreneurship in Your Children

Encouraging Entrepreneurship in Your Children Deep down, nearly every one of us wants to be an entrepreneur. However, forgoing your weekly paycheck to follow your true passion takes lots of self-confidence. Many of us lack that confidence. Therefore, a great portion of our lives may be spent working to build…

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Public Speaking 101 Ebook

[kc_heading_two size=”16″ color=”#494949″] “Learn The Benefits Of Speaking In Public And How To Do So Successfully!” [/kc_heading_two]   When you give a speech, whether it is a presentation at work or a talk in front of unfamiliar faces, the most important way to help ensure that you hit it out…

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