Category Archives: Planning

The Importance of Time Management

The Importance of Time Management How good are you when it comes to managing your time? This is one trait that distinguishes an average sales person to a great one. They know what items they should be spending their time on and plan accordingly. Being a sales person entails two…

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The Importance of Dressing for Success

The Importance of Dressing for Success Any successful sales person will tell you how important it is to dress for success. If you want to be viewed as successful and professional, then dress appropriately. This applies to anyone who is new and just starting out in the world of sales.…

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The Art of the Follow Up

The Art of the Follow Up There is one thing that can make any sales person stand out and take them from being seen as just one of the sales team to being the top sales person. While you may think that this involves an unreasonable amount of hard work,…

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Put Your Best Foot Forward – How to Discover Your Personality Strengths

In life, the key to success is turning the challenges you face into opportunities to learn and grow. Isak Dinesen once said, “Difficult times have helped me to understand better than before, how infinitely rich and beautiful life is in every way, and that so many things that one goes…

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Spending Time with Your Family

Spending Time with Your Family Have you ever thought about what really makes you happy? For many people it is just having enough time to spend with their family. While this may sound easy enough it can be really hard to devote enough time to your loved ones. Everyone leads…

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The Best of Both Worlds – A Guide For People Over Fifty

[wpgfxm_headlines font=”Georgia, serif” size=”22px” color=”#FF0D05″ shadow=”none” decor=”none” style=”normal” weight=”normal” align=”center” spacing=”normal” lineheight=”120%”]“Learn How To Enjoy The Experiences Of Youth And Gain The Wisdom That Comes From Later Years!”[/wpgfxm_headlines]   If you’re fifty or more and think that life is over, this little book is for you. It will show you…

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How to Help Your Child Overcome Anxiety

How to Help Your Child Overcome Anxiety Sometimes children act as if they don’t have a care in the world, and other times they may be overwhelmed with anxiety. Although children are not presented with the stresses of adulthood, they do feel anxiety in the same way. Solving these issues…

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The Wealthy Mindset – How Your Thoughts Affect Your Financial Future

The Wealthy Mindset – How Your Thoughts Affect Your Financial Future Surely you’ve heard the saying that when you believe in yourself, you can do anything. It’s a piece of advice that gets passed around for a reason – because it’s 100% true! It especially applies to having a wealthy…

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How to Develop a Prosperity Mindset

How to Develop a Prosperity Mindset Having a prosperity mindset is a key factor in reaching your financial goals. It keeps you on track toward your goals regardless of any challenges you encounter along the way. These strategies below will help you foster a prosperity mindset that can enable you…

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Moving Far Away? 8 Ways to Help Your Child Embrace the Change

Moving Far Away? 8 Ways to Help Your Child Embrace the Change When you make any major change in life, it takes some adjusting for everyone involved. When children experience change, it often takes a harder toll. This is because children like routine and familiarity. If you must move a…

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