Category Archives: Orderliness

How to Create Simple Living Routines

How to Create Simple Living Routines Simple living is beneficial in many ways. It can reduce stress, improve health, and bring quality to our relationships. Being free from the burdens of a complicated life allows room to relax, enjoy the priorities in our lives, and not waste time on activities…

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Banish Clutter and Leave Stress Behind

Banish Clutter and Leave Stress Behind Deadlines, financial difficulties, and competing responsibilities are some well-known causes of stress in our lives. Research shows that clutter can also be a hidden cause of stress at home and work. Experiencing less stress in your life may be as simple as getting rid…

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The Importance of Time Management

The Importance of Time Management How good are you when it comes to managing your time? This is one trait that distinguishes an average sales person to a great one. They know what items they should be spending their time on and plan accordingly. Being a sales person entails two…

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Self Happiness

Self Happiness You have no doubt heard about self help. There are thousands of books and articles on the topic of self help. When it comes to being happy have you thought about how you get yourself into that state? Happiness is a mental state which you feel as joy…

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Meditations on Becoming More Deliberate in Daily Life

Meditations on Becoming More Deliberate in Daily Life It’s easy for hours or even years to slip away unless we pay deliberate attention to the choices we make. Meditation is a proven technique for leading a more intentional life. These are four meditations that will help focus your attention so…

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Work Smarter, Not Harder: 5 Ways to Avoid Micromanaging

Work Smarter, Not Harder: 5 Ways to Avoid Micromanaging Click on Custom Photo Cards for more. Courtesy by Personal Development Blog Are you guilty of micromanaging? The reality is that micromanagement is extremely difficult for most people to steer clear of. There’s usually something innate that tells you the only…

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In a Hurry? Get More Out of Life by Slowing Down

In a Hurry? Get More Out of Life by Slowing Down Click on Custom Photo Cards for more. Courtesy by Personal Development Blog If you were to make a list of everything you want to complete this week, it would likely be even longer than you’d anticipate. The cold, hard…

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Uplifting Meditations With a Garden Theme

Uplifting Meditations With a Garden Theme Poets and philosophers often compare the mind to a garden. In keeping with this idea, you can use meditation to cultivate healthy thoughts. These are three sample meditations using garden themes – planting seeds, observing the change of seasons, and welcoming the harvest. Meditation…

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Profitable Work-At-Home Organization Strategies

Profitable Work-At-Home Organization Strategies Working at home comes with lots of benefits like wearing slippers all day and being your own boss, but it’s important to have an effective organization plan to make it profitable. These strategies for organizing your workday and environment will help you meet your goals. Strategies…

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