Category Archives: Intentions

Yes You Can! Energize Your Life with Positive Thinking

Yes You Can! Energize Your Life with Positive Thinking Have you ever really opened your mind to the valuable impact that positive thinking can have on your day-to-day life? When you develop a truly positive mindset, you set yourself up for a happier and more fulfilling life. With the stressful…

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Goal-Setting Traps to Avoid This Year

Goal-Setting Traps to Avoid This Year Do you find yourself struggling to achieve your goals? Perhaps your difficulties lie in the way you’re setting your goals in the first place. Rather than setting yourself up for success, you may be setting yourself up for failure in your first step! There…

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How to Command Respect from Others

How to Command Respect from Others In today’s society, respect is often seen as an afterthought. With millions of college educated professionals treating the cast of “The Bad Girls’ Club” and “Jersey Shore” as their role models, respect is often taken for granted or ignored as an important part of…

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Learn to Rejoice in The Good Fortune of Others

Learn to Rejoice in The Good Fortune of Others Rejoicing in the good fortune of others will improve your relationships and bring more happiness into your life. There are some major benefits to sharing in the joy of others, and here are ways that you can adopt this powerful way…

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Working Moms: Get Dad to Pull His Weight Around the House

Working Moms: Get Dad to Pull His Weight Around the House In most households, it takes two to raise a family, pay for the bills and keep the house in good shape. For the home to run smoothly, it’s necessary for both you and your spouse to pitch in. You…

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Encouraging Entrepreneurship in Your Children

Encouraging Entrepreneurship in Your Children Deep down, nearly every one of us wants to be an entrepreneur. However, forgoing your weekly paycheck to follow your true passion takes lots of self-confidence. Many of us lack that confidence. Therefore, a great portion of our lives may be spent working to build…

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Public Speaking 101 Ebook

[kc_heading_two size=”16″ color=”#494949″] “Learn The Benefits Of Speaking In Public And How To Do So Successfully!” [/kc_heading_two]   When you give a speech, whether it is a presentation at work or a talk in front of unfamiliar faces, the most important way to help ensure that you hit it out…

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Improve Your Life with Positive Self-Talk

Improve Your Life with Positive Self-Talk How you think about yourself makes a big difference in how you feel. You can avoid feeling down or upset if you know what to say to yourself and how to say it. Even during difficult times, you can find moments of joy and…

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Simplify Your Life with Easy Home Maintenance

Simplify Your Life with Easy Home Maintenance When it comes to keeping your home in a condition that you’re proud of, it seems that there’s always something that needs cleaning, repairing, or maintaining. It’s easy to become stressed or overwhelmed by the overload of chores. However, the good news is…

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