Category Archives: Positive Affirmations

Success Is My Responsibility

My Blessings Are Innumerable

[wpgfxm_contentbox width=”70%” bg_color=”#D3E5ED” b_color=”#D3E5ED” style=”solid” top=”3px” right=”3px” bottom=”3px” left=”3px” radius=”9px”]“My Blessings Are Innumerable!“[/wpgfxm_contentbox] My blessings are innumerable. I receive countless blessings each day. When I stop to consider my high points in life, I am in awe by them. My list of successes far exceeds any negative occurrences in my…

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Life Starts When You Make The Choice To Be Authentically Alive

I Find Hope Each Day

[wpgfxm_contentbox width=”70%” bg_color=”#D3E5ED” b_color=”#D3E5ED” style=”solid” top=”3px” right=”3px” bottom=”3px” left=”3px” radius=”9px”]“I Find Hope Each Day!“[/wpgfxm_contentbox] I find hope each day. Important people in my life come and go. Struggles happen, and change is inevitable. Unpredictable events can momentarily block my pathway to peace and happiness. Sometimes, ill health plagues me or…

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Makes You Unique

I Treasure Solitude

[wpgfxm_contentbox width=”70%” bg_color=”#D3E5ED” b_color=”#D3E5ED” style=”solid” top=”3px” right=”3px” bottom=”3px” left=”3px” radius=”9px”]“I Treasure Solitude!“[/wpgfxm_contentbox] Solitude is a gift I give to myself. I am comfortable being alone with my thoughts. Carving out time for myself enhances my life. I increase my self-awareness by engaging with my thoughts on a deeper level. I…

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Live Out Of Your Imagination

I Find A Multitude Of Ways To Express My Creativity

[wpgfxm_contentbox width=”70%” bg_color=”#D3E5ED” b_color=”#D3E5ED” style=”solid” top=”3px” right=”3px” bottom=”3px” left=”3px” radius=”9px”]“I Find A Multitude of Ways To Express My Creativity!“[/wpgfxm_contentbox] I find a multitude of ways to express my creativity. Rather than thinking that my time devoted to creativity is frivolous, I view it as an opportunity to re-charge and prepare…

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Sounds of Nature Bring Peace

I Make Room For Happiness

[wpgfxm_contentbox width=”70%” bg_color=”#D3E5ED” b_color=”#D3E5ED” style=”solid” top=”3px” right=”3px” bottom=”3px” left=”3px” radius=”9px”]“I Make Room For Happiness!“[/wpgfxm_contentbox] I am committed to being happy. I let go of resentments and forgive myself when I make a mistake. I regard others with affection, even when I disagree with their actions. I keep a positive perspective…

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I Am Resourceful And Resilient

I Approach New Opportunities With Courage

[wpgfxm_contentbox width=”70%” bg_color=”#D3E5ED” b_color=”#D3E5ED” style=”solid” top=”3px” right=”3px” bottom=”3px” left=”3px” radius=”9px”]“I Approach New Opportunities With Courage!“[/wpgfxm_contentbox] I am proud of the bold, courageous person I have become. I feel so much better when I dive into situations head on. The outcome is less important when I take the plunge with courage.…

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Change Inspires Me To Be Creative

[wpgfxm_contentbox width=”70%” bg_color=”#D3E5ED” b_color=”#D3E5ED” style=”solid” top=”3px” right=”3px” bottom=”3px” left=”3px” radius=”9px”]“Change Inspires Me To Be Creative!“[/wpgfxm_contentbox] Change inspires me to be creative. I embrace change each time it comes my way. I am sometimes nervous about the newness of a situation. But I also get excited because it means learning something…

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Living Life To The Fullest Brings Me Happiness

  “Living Life To The Fullest Brings Me Happiness!” I love my life. Each day brings its own special set of treasures, adventures, and interesting encounters. I pay attention to the gems that come my way, such as compliments, smiles from strangers, and unexpected occurrences. When I get a chance…

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I Am Strong Because I Take Good Care Of My Health

Keeping an ongoing focus on my health is one of my priorities. Having my health in the forefront of my mind ensures I take steps each day to take good care of myself and strengthen my body. I realize that when I work for my body, it works for me…

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Being Resourceful Is Important To Me

To be resourceful means I am inventive, flexible, creative, and even imaginative. When I solve a difficult challenge, it shows that I am adaptable and deft. I have many talents when it comes to putting the pieces of a puzzle together. I view each challenge as an opportunity to show…

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