Change Inspires Me To Be Creative

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Change Inspires Me To Be Creative!

Change inspires me to be creative.

I embrace change each time it comes my way. I am sometimes nervous about the newness of a situation. But I also get excited because it means learning something new.

Change helps me call on my skill set to figure things out. I actually enjoy being challenged by changing circumstances because they provide a chance for me to exercise my creativity.

When my job responsibilities are altered at work, I accept the change with open arms. At times, I am put in a role where I have limited experience. But that gives me an opportunity to research and learn. I spend time looking into what makes someone good at the job I have been given.

I spend time embodying those characteristics until I begin to excel in my new role.

Change allows me to discover new things about myself.

I adjust to changing situations and help those around me do the same.

I am a team player. I feel good when collaboration yields great rewards. I avoid taking personal credit because I realize that my creativity sparks creativity in others.

Personal Development Poster (Live Out Of Your Imagination)
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Today, I welcome change with open arms. I am proud of my creativity and commit to using it for good during changes times. I know it is sometimes difficult to anticipate what awaits me. But I rely on my creativity to take me through any situation.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. Do I tend to resist change? If so, why?
2. How can I become more willing to commit to changes in my life?
3. When have I felt like a new situation was too difficult for me to adapt to?






Personal Development Ebook:

The ROLE MODEL Guidebook

The ROLE MODEL Guidebook

The life you deserve is within your reach. With guidance from the role models you choose, you can create the life you dream about. You can benefit in many ways from having role models to observe and emulate. You may even become a role model whom others can learn from as well.

Cultivate your positive traits and ponder what kind of role model you are or can become.
More details…



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