Category Archives: Positive Affirmations

When My Open Arms Give Love

When My Open Arms Give Love, I Gain Success. Each morning, I recommit to living with a higher purpose. My open arms give love to others and gain success in return. I open my arms to others by serving as a listening ear or a shoulder to cry on. Letting…

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I Keep My Eyes Open For What I Seek

I Keep My Eyes Open For What I Seek I keep my eyes open and observe what’s happening internally and externally. I am aware of my attention – when it drops and is fully engaged. I keep an eye out for running on autopilot. I make sure I am aware…

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Life Is To Be Lived Inspirational Poster

I Choose To Live Every Day To Its Fullest

I choose to live every day to its fullest. Living every day to the fullest is a choice I make daily. I live my life with clear intention. I focus on living rather than just surviving. I believe that we make choices each day that reflect how our lives unfold,…

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Grateful For Everything Inspirational Poster

Cultivating Gratitude Increases My Happiness

Cultivating gratitude increases my happiness. It has been said that we live in an age of abundance. We have everything we need. Yet, there are many people who struggle to find meaning, purpose, and happiness. Gratitude is essential for the health of my body. Gratitude creates emotional balance. It cultivates…

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Knowing Is Not Enough by Wolfgang von Goethe

I Wake Up And Tackle What Needs Doing

I wake up and tackle what needs doing. Each day, I wake up, tackle my essential tasks, and get things done. I am efficient, organized, and take action. My brain works well when I focus on one thing at a time and take steps to get better at managing my…

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615 Acquire Wisdom by Marilyn Vos Savant Inspirational Quote Graphic

I Travel Inward To Find My Greatest Wisdom

I travel inward to find my greatest wisdom. It is high time to go within and consult my inner guru. I am ready to sit before my inner guidance to gather wisdom for my future. I take the time to travel inward toward my greatest wisdom. Even though it is…

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Sounds of Nature Bring Peace Printable Wall Art

Gardening Is Therapeutic

Gardening Is Therapeutic I look forward to my gardening day each week. It brings me such relaxation to spend time with nature. It heals emotionally and physically. My favorite gardening activity is uprooting weeds. This activity reminds me of the importance of cleaning out the unhealthy clutter. I see how…

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