I Keep My Eyes Open For What I Seek

I Keep My Eyes Open For What I Seek

I keep my eyes open and observe what’s happening internally and externally.

I am aware of my attention – when it drops and is fully engaged. I keep an eye out for running on autopilot.

I make sure I am aware of opportunities to achieve my goals.

I notice when my focus slips, and I return to the task at hand. I practice this every day so that it is becoming instinctive. This saves me a tremendous amount of time.

My mind is like an empty canvas, ready to paint with thoughts and ideas. I remain open to new knowledge and ways of thinking, so new ideas arise spontaneously in my mind.

If I focus on a book, I discover new ideas or knowledge. If I focus on an object, I learn amazing things about that particular object.

If I focus on a flower, I soon discover other beautiful and fragrant flowers. If I focus on someone, I soon discover wonderful attributes. This is because I have given myself the full experience of the present moment.

I am fully engaged in the process of creation. I become the creator.

We can change our lives by changing our minds. We can change our health by changing our habits. We can change our relationships by changing ourselves.

Today, I make a significant shift in my mindset. I focus on awareness of what I want and desire, and I am confident it is coming.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. Am I open to new opportunities?
2. Am I open to new experiences?
3. What old beliefs can I let go of?







Hash Tags:
#PresentMoment, #NewOpportunities, #NewExperiences, #ChangeOurLives, #ChangeOurHabits, #KeepEyesOpen, #Focus, #Mindset, #PositiveAffirmation, #PositiveAffirmations, #PersonalDevelopmentBlog


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