Author Archives: Personal Development Blog

Fostering a Loving Relationship with Your Children

Fostering a Loving Relationship with Your Children Having a loving relationship with your children is a beautiful thing. However, it may not always come easily because children express love in their own unique way. You love your children very much, so it’s important to learn each child’s unique and preferred…

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Understanding The Learning Styles Ebook

[kc_heading_two size=”20″ color=”#494949″] “Acquire new knowledge by using one of the learning methods that match your abilities and learning preferences.”[/kc_heading_two]   Dear Friend, In recent years, much has been done to research the different learning styles. It’s no longer considered prudent to deliver information in one way and expect everyone…

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How to Boost Your Self-Esteem During Difficult Times

How to Boost Your Self-Esteem During Difficult Times Attempting to boost your self-esteem during normal times is hard enough, but what happens when you’re dealing with a difficult period in your life? Stressful issues like job loss, broken relationships, or sickness can lower our self-esteem. We tend to take the…

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Becoming a Master of Self-Discipline

Becoming a Master of Self-Discipline Self-discipline is a powerful attribute to have, yet challenging to obtain. Self-discipline is the ability to do whatever it takes to overcome obstacles and reach your goals, even when it’s inconvenient or uncomfortable. It may involve saying: “no” to things you want or saying: “yes”…

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How to Get More Done in Less Time

How to Get More Done in Less Time Do you find yourself wishing there were more hours in the day? Our lives are so filled with work, family, and appointments that we often can’t seem to fit in everything we need to accomplish in a 24-hour day. But what if…

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8 Simple Strategies to Motivate Your Children

8 Simple Strategies to Motivate Your Children Our children are one of the most important and precious people in our lives. We want the best for them and hope they strive to do well in all things. Children, just like adults, can develop motivational roadblocks that hold them back from…

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How to Grow a Backbone

How to Grow a Backbone Do you feel as if everyone is taking advantage of your good nature? Do you think they would still do it if you were more assertive? Becoming more assertive is a goal that many of us want to achieve. We feel disrespected and we want…

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Developing an Intense Focus

Developing an Intense Focus We all have a tendency to become side tracked. We may want to complete an important task, yet many distractions poke and prod us away from our goals. How can we keep our focus on the task as hand? Distractions may be hard to ignore, especially…

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How to Develop Critical Thinking Skills

How to Develop Critical Thinking Skills Critical thinking is often characterized as a scientific, analytical way of thinking. It helps us form more knowledgeable opinions and make better decisions. That certainly seems like a beneficial skill to have, but how do you develop the ability to think critically? Critical thinking…

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How To Achieve Balance In Your Life Ebook

[kc_heading_two size=”20″ color=”#494949″] “Bring Peace And Harmony To Your Life And Enjoy It To The Fullest By Achieving Balance In Your Life!” [/kc_heading_two]   Dear Friend, Life in the 21st century can be so complicated and fast paced that it’s no wonder so many people are struggling to achieve balance…

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