Category Archives: Featured Posts

The Lost Art of Listening

With all the modern technology that we have for communicating with each other even across the world, it seems that most people have forgotten how to communicate clearly with someone who’s standing right next to them. In particular, listening has become a lost art. That’s too bad, too, because knowing…

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The Many Benefits of Solitude

While no one wants to feel lonely, there are many benefits to spending time alone. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, struggling to concentrate, or just need some time to yourself, a little solitude might be just what you need. Even if you live in a big city, there are ways to…

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Live Out Of Your Imagination by Stephen Covey Twitter

5 Affirmations to Repeat to Yourself Each Day

Nature outings are an ideal way to spend time together as a family and help your children develop an appreciation for the natural world. No matter where you live or the ages of your children, there are several great ways to connect with nature and each other as a family.…

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To Judge Nature by Annie Dillard

Back to Nature: Finding Serenity in the Great Outdoors

During the summer, do you think about getting outdoors more, but then have trouble actually following through? If you feel overworked and stressed, it’s time to find your inner peace again. But how can you find serenity in a calamitous world? Take a deep breath and head outdoors to your…

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Make You Feel Inferior Inspirational Quote by Eleanor Roosevelt

Create a Mission Statement for Your Life

What is your purpose? If you’re like most people, you have no idea how to answer that question, because you’ve never considered it. That’s unfortunate. Companies have mission statements, and you should consider creating one for your own life. How can you make the best plans and decisions for yourself…

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Address Your Attitude and Enjoy More Favorable Results Personal Development Article by Personal Development Blog

Address Your Attitude and Enjoy More Favorable Results

Address Your Attitude and Enjoy More Favorable Results Why resist the current situation in which you find yourself? It’s reality. When you fight reality, you lose. When you stew over how you think things “should” be or how you want them to be, you’re using up time and energy that…

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Valuable Life Skills (Personal Development Article brought to you by Personal Development Blog)

15 Valuable Life Skills to Teach Your Teen

As a parent, your job is to take care of your children until the day when they can strike out on their own. While they graduate from high school knowing how to read and write, there are other skills that are just as important that may not get covered in…

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Fight Brain Fog

How to Fight Brain Fog

Brain fog can be an annoying and upsetting issue. Brain fog can be described as not being able to think clearly or not being able to do simple tasks. It can also affect memory or the ability to work. Brain fog can be a sign of a health issue, so…

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Boost Your Flexible Thinking Skills

See How Easily You Can Boost Your Flexible Thinking Skills

Neuroscientists, educators, and psychologists sometimes call it cognitive shifting, but you may know it better as flexible thinking. However you describe it, it refers to your brain’s ability to shift gears from one subject to another. Flexible thinking also plays a major role in your happiness and productivity. Even if…

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Taking a Real Vacation

Modern Rules for Taking a Real Vacation

Using your vacation days is important for your mental and physical health. Many studies have shown that taking a break reduces the risk of heart conditions, lowers your blood pressure, helps you lose weight, enhances your productivity, and makes you more pleasant to be around. Plus, there’s some evidence that…

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