Banish Your Midlife Crisis Blues Ebook

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A midlife crisis is often viewed with dread, but this is a mistake. A midlife crisis is the beginning of a new and exciting life if you take advantage of it. It’s the best opportunity you’ll have to create a meaningful and exciting life. Happiness awaits those that leverage the opportunities that this exciting time in life has to offer.

This is a wonderful opportunity to discover new passions, find your purpose, and boost your income. You can have a lot to look forward to if you take full advantage of the possibilities. You can ultimately be happier than you’ve ever been.

Consider these topics as a way to learn more about yourself and your options for using a midlife crisis to enhance your life:

    ● Chapter 1: Midlife Crisis: The Causes and Signs
    ● Chapter 2: Re-Discover Your Purpose
    ● Chapter 3: Explore Your Passions
    ● Chapter 4: Have a Spiritual Awakening
    ● Chapter 5: Creating a New Stream of Income

All of these things add up to a new and exciting life. This might become the best time in your life. The opportunity is there.

B] What You Will Get

You will receive the file/s below (in one ZIP file) for your personal use:

    » Banish Your Midlife Crisis Blues Ebook
        (Include 68-page Main E-book and a 6-page Worksheet in PDF)

    The following bonuses:
    » Top 10 Relationship Rules That Everyone Forgets (5-page PDF, 52-page Slide Deck in PDF)
    » Reduce Stress – 14 Ways to Strengthen Your Coping Skills (5-page Checklist in PDF)



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C] Related Quotes

“We are not victims of aging,
sickness and death. These are part
of the scenery, not the seer, who is
immune to any form of change.
This seer is the spirit, the
expression of eternal being.”

“I think midlife crisis is just a point where
people’s careers have reached some
plateau and they have to reflect on their
personal relationships.”

“Everything I read about hitting a midlife
crisis was true. I had such a struggle
letting go of youthful things and learning
how to exist and have enthusiasm while
settling into the comfort of an older age.”

“An aging writer has the
not insignificant
satisfaction of a shelf of
books behind him that,
as they wait for their
ideal readers to
discover them, will
outlast him for a while.”

“The Boomers will eventually have to
accept that it is not possible to stay
forever young or to stop aging. But it is
possible, by committing to show up for
others in community after community, to
earn a measure of immortality.”

“Aging does not make women powerless
objects of pity but colorful and entertaining
individuals and, on occasion, fire-breathing
dragons that wise people don’t cross.”

“I sometimes miss the sense of
excitement that I remember having when
I was younger. I miss that sense of, ‘Oh
wow.’ I think it’s part of aging.”

“When you hit your 40s, you begin to take
notice of the effects of aging because
people that you know begin to die of heart
attacks and tumors, so we take notice of
the effects of aging.”

“It’s kind of like a midlife crisis kind of
thing. When you turn 40, you have to run
the marathon, while all the parts still work

“There are no atheists in
foxholes, they say, and I was a
foxhole atheist for a long time.
But after going through a midlife
crisis and having many things
change very quickly, it made me
realize my mortality. And when
you start to think about death,
you start to think about what’s
after it. And then you start
hoping there is a God.”

“There’s no such thing is aging, but
maturing and knowledge. It’s beautiful, I
call that beauty.”

“With aging comes physical and emotional
challenge. We cannot seem to get as
much done in an hour as we did in youth.
And it is harder to be patient with others,
and they seem more demanding.”

“It’s only through aging and going through
heartbreak and loss and successes and
failures that you can look back and look at
the mistakes some young people make.”

“From my perspective, there’s no reason
to be afraid of aging, because if you age,
you’re lucky! The alternative is death.”


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