The Modern Workplace – How to Lead a Team Remotely

The Modern Workplace – How to Lead a Team Remotely

The Modern Workplace - How To Lead A Team Remotely


2020 was a year that brought in major changes as COVID swept across the world. People were sent to their homes, businesses temporarily shut down, and everyone had to adjust to a new way of doing things.

Many businesses required their employees to work remotely. Programs like Google Meet, Skype, WhatsApp, and Zoom suddenly became vital to the workplace. People had to learn how to manage these programs, keep their homes running, and try to angle the camera so no one could see any real-life messes in the background.

It was a huge adjustment, but it also led to a permanent change. Even when businesses were able to meet again in person, many realized they preferred to work remotely. Businesses also realized there were benefits to people working remotely, and they leaned into this new way of doing things.

Although remote work was beginning to gain steam before the pandemic, Covid-19 put it into hyperdrive. People who had been commuting to an office for years were now able to work from the comfort of their homes.

This sudden change didn’t give traditional workplaces a lot of time to keep up, and managers who were used to in-person workforces now had to learn to lead teams remotely.

Working remotely can be extremely helpful to the workforce and the companies, but understanding how to lead a group of people is new territory for many.

This eBook will discuss the pros and cons of remote work, best practices for leading a team remotely, how to avoid virtual distance, and some of the best apps for helping your remote team work smoothly. Let’s get started.

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What You Will Get

You will receive the file/s below (in one ZIP file) for your personal use:

    » The Modern Workplace – How to Lead a Team Remotely
       Include 54-page Main Ebook and a 7-page Worksheet both in PDF

    » 11 Strategies That Increase Brain Power
       Include 13-page PDF and a 58-page Slide Deck PDF
    » Top 10 Tips to Achieving True Harmony in Your Relationships – Checklist
       Include 12-page PDF and a 52-page Slide Deck PDF


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