Showing Your Gratitude
Do you have things in your life that frustrate you like crazy? Most people do, and who doesn’t find it easy to voice your opinion when you get frustrated. But, how often do you show your gratitude to someone?
Showing your gratitude means being thankful and appreciative of something or someone. You may be annoyed that your husband rarely helps with the dishes at night, but you love the way he always puts the kids to bed. Which one do you focus on the most? Instead of badgering him about helping with the dishes, express how grateful you are that he takes over the bedtime routines.
If you aren’t happy with your life, learning to be grateful for what you do have, can improve it. Maybe you need a new car then be thankful that you still have one that is running. If you wish you had more money in the bank, be grateful for what you have managed to save so far.
In other words you want to stop focusing on those things you don’t have and concentrate on what you do have. If you have a loving partner or kids that are doing fantastic in school, show them how grateful and thankful you are. Is your family healthy and happy? Wonderful, so many families have a member that is sick and this can pull down every member.
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– Gerald Good –
Any relationship can be improved by displaying your gratitude for each other. It is important to focus on what you already have. When you do you will notice that it is easy to find additional things that you are grateful for. Plus what person doesn’t like to be appreciated? When was the last time someone thanked you for something unexpected?
It’s not that you suddenly have to get all gushy with someone. Just thank your spouse for supporting you, thank your children for being who they are and enjoy the time with your family.
Quite honestly when was the last time you displayed any type of appreciation or gratitude. Here’s a few things you could try today:
- Write down two things that you are grateful for.
- Thank your child for watching TV with you.
- Tell one family member that you appreciate being in their life.
- Demonstrate your appreciation in some way. Buy someone a cup of coffee or send a quick thank you note, text message or email.
If you are having trouble displaying your gratitude then simply write down all the things you are grateful for. Think about what others do for you, what qualities someone you appreciate has and more. Once you have identified these you will find it easier to find more things to be appreciative of.
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