How to Live Your Life with Intense Purpose
How to Live Your Life with Intense Purpose
Wandering around aimlessly from day to day provides absolutely no benefit to you or those around you. An unspecified purpose leaves you frustrated and lacking direction with everything you do.
If you don’t already know your purpose in life, take some time to reflect on what it may be. Then make sure everything you do lines up with this purpose.
Discover Your Purpose
In order to find your purpose, look at the things you love to do and what makes you tick. The trick is to figure out where you draw your internal energy from and where your gifts and talents are best used.
What do you do to recharge your batteries? What do you absolutely love to do? Take a little time to figure this out and then focus on it.
Choose Activities That Fulfill Your Purpose
Once you identify your purpose, look at the things you do on a day-to-day basis. Do these activities add to your purpose or take away from it? Everything you say, do, think and act on should complement your purpose and help fulfill you.
If it isn’t doing this, either drop the activity or delegate it to someone else.

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An example of a purpose you might have is to provide a healthy and comfortable life for your partner and children. What types of activities do you think fall in line with this purpose? Let’s look at a few and see how they line up with your personal life purpose.
* Cooking. Cooking your own food allows you to be the top chef. You get to choose the ingredients in your food, rather than relying on some other person or company.
You can take out the salt, add flavor with herbs and spices, and reduce your portions to create something that fits within your family’s healthy lifestyle. Plus you’re saving money, which can be used for your children’s education or a family retreat.
* Cleaning. Keeping a clean house fulfills both the healthy and comfortable parts of your purpose. By doing things like dusting, washing dishes, and taking out the garbage, you’re staying healthy. Removing the clutter creates a more comfortable environment.
* Exercise. Exercising, along with activities like yoga and meditation, help keep your mind and body healthy and comfortable. These activities keep your weight down and make you feel better inside and out, which will also keep you strong for your family.
As you can see, each one of these activities adds to your purpose. Things that distract you from your purpose might include eating out excessively, living beyond your means, and even sitting around doing nothing all day.
Negative or unfulfilling activities can be exchanged for the ones that supercharge both you and your life purpose.
Live With Purpose at Work, Too
For your professional purpose, you might have a passion to plan social events for you and your coworkers.
You can accomplish this by volunteering for your company’s activities committee or being on a board that plans events and meetings. You can also start your own activity group and get things together for employee birthday parties in the office.
You can see how these ideas and actions fall directly in line with your passion and purpose. Obviously you still have to get your job done, but you can certainly use your free time to fulfill your purpose.
Once you’ve identified your purpose, I challenge you to live your life with intensity toward that purpose. Do everything you can to focus on your calling with the things you say, think and do. If it isn’t necessary or doesn’t align with your goals, let it go.
Living your life with intense purpose renews your passion for life and enables you to be the best you can be. It strengthens your self-confidence and, best of all, brings self-fulfillment. Find your purpose today, and give it all you’ve got!
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