Be Who You Want to Be
Be Who You Want to Be
In a world with many differing opinions, there is not one way to please everyone. If you are trying to change yourself with the intention of making others like you, you will generally fight a losing battle. When deciding who you are, choose to honor yourself and be the person you want to be. If you choose to be someone you respect, you won’t need to worry about what others think.
One Size Doesn’t Fit All
There is no way you can always live up to everyone’s expectations. There are so many ways to be as a person, and trying to please others is like trying to chase every person in a game of tag at the same time. You will only frustrate yourself. For every person who is being themselves, there are other people who will naturally be drawn to that person. You won’t be everyone’s cup of tea (nobody is), but there is someone out there who believes you are wonderful the way you are.
Determine Your Goals
Do you want to be authentic to yourself, but don’t even know where to start? This is a problem for many people. All you need to do is sit down and begin writing your goals. From there it will flow out of you. Write your dreams, your passions, and the goals you have for your future. Take some time to make goals for your life and you will find the real “you” falling into line.
Life Is Short
Remember, life does not last for always. When you are figuring out where all the pieces of your life fit in, remember it won’t be there forever. Be who you truly are, and don’t deprive yourself or those around you of your true self for another moment. Make the best use of every moment, living in an authentic way.
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Forgive Yourself
Nobody is perfect, and sometimes you may struggle being the person you want to be. Being genuine doesn’t mean being perfect, though, and you needn’t hold yourself to an unattainable standard. Drop the self-judgement you may be tempted to hold on to, and forgive yourself if you fall.
Love Yourself
There may be times when it feels like no one around you is concerned about you. Because of this, it’s important to be your own fiercest advocate. Love yourself and others will follow.
Don’t Judge
Just as you must remain true to yourself, so must the others in your life. You do not have an obligation to change yourself to suit someone else, and neither do they. Allow others the freedom to live their lives and be true to themselves and you will find even more peace about your own journey.
Being yourself is not the easiest thing to begin, but it gets more and more fulfilling as time goes on. As you change to outwardly become the person you are inside, things will fall into place in every way. Be who you are, not who others think you should be, and you will always respect yourself.
Here is a related resource about “Setting Personal Goals“.
Personal Development Ebook: |
Why spend the rest of your life letting another person or deed control your every waking moment? Isn’t it time to take back your life, leave the disappointment and bitterness behind and be in complete control? Forgiveness is part of the plan.
This 28-page ebook will provide the information you need. Also includes a 4-page Checklist. Instantly downloadable. For personal use only. More details… |