Tag Archives: non-conformity

Find Yourself by Socrates

Emerson and Self-Reliance

Are you interested in self-reliance and self-sufficiency? Well then, let me introduce you Ralph Waldo Emerson. If you haven’t heard of Mr. Emerson yet, then you’re in for a real treat. You see, Ralph Waldo Emerson is considered by many to be the father of the modern self-reliance and self-sufficiency…

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CHANCE by Sophocles

Why is Self-Reliance Important?

What do the words “self-reliant” mean to you? What sort of image do these words conjure up in your mind? If you’re like most people, you probably see someone living life on their own terms. They are independent. They are self-sufficient. You probably see them growing their own fruits and…

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Freedom by Ayn Rand

What is Self-Reliance?

Nearly everybody you know probably lives a lifestyle that’s like yours, right? They have a job and five days a week they go to that job and work for at least eight hours a day. Getting to the job everyday involves a commute to work and then another commute at…

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