I Am Dedicated To Helping Those Around Me

I Am Dedicated To Helping Those Around Me

In all that I do, I offer aid, advice, and assistance to all around me.

I have a duty to those that I care about. I vow to share support and guidance with every soul I meet.

I have a duty to offer compassion, support, and guidance to all who cross my path.

I radiate love in all that I do. When I encounter judgment, hostility, and retribution, I respond with love, support, and compassion. I respond to negativity with positivity, criticism with uplifting action, and anger with love.

My focus is on sharing as much love as possible. The only way to beat back the darkness is to bring in light.

I use my skills, strengths, and abilities to make the world a better place. I understand this is my duty, responsibility, and pleasure.

I have enough strength to share with the world. I can be a shoulder for all those who need it and support those in need. I use my voice to empower those who can no longer speak for

Today, I vow to offer all the aid, strength, and power I have to those who need it. I seek out those in need and do I can to support and enrich their lives.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What steps can I take to offer compassion to those around me?
2. Have I done anything to help those I love today?
3. How can I radiate love in all that I do?







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#IAMGrateful, #IAMThankful, #IAMGracious, #Gracious, #Thankful, #BeingMindful, #InspiringPeople, #PositiveAffirmation, #PositiveAffirmations, #PersonalDevelopmentBlog


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