Getting Things Done

Course to Victory by Arthur Golden

When you doubt yourself, it’s hard to take action and get stuff done. In fact the whole point of self-doubt is to paralyze us into inaction. And that’s not a good thing. How do you work through it and get things done even when you doubt yourself? Here are five tips to help you accomplish just that.

Tip #1 – Break It Down

Self-doubt is often caused by overwhelm. The key is to break it down into smaller tasks that you can get done quickly and easily. This builds momentum that helps you tackle the more complicated stuff. And before you know it, you get in a productive day of work, even with the self-doubt.

Tip #2 – Make A List

Once you have your small tasks, write them down on a list and start checking them off as you go along. Lists are another great way to build momentum. We also have a tendency to want to check every item off the list. Use it as a tool to keep going when doubt tries to move you into in-action.

Tip #3 – Look Back

Self-doubt is often fueled by a lack of confidence. To boost your confidence take a look at how far you’ve come. Grab some photo albums, your journal, you to-do lists from earlier this week. Or just reminisce about the progress you’ve made in the past weeks, months, and years. No matter how doubtful you feel about the future, looking at the past will show you just how much you’re capable of.

Tip #4 – Face Your Worst Fear And Do It Anyway

Sometimes we don’t get started on a project or a task because of fear. And the best way to work through that is to face your fear. Imagine the worst possible outcome. By facing it, it already seems less scary. Then get to work anyway. Pick something small, built momentum, and start taking action. Before you know it you will have worked through your fear.

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A mind troubled by doubt cannot FOCUS on the course to victory.
– Arthur Golden


Tip # 5 – Get Some Feedback

There’s nothing like some positive feedback and praise to boost your confidence and get you to take action. Ask a friend, a colleague, or a mentor for feedback. Even better ask them to become your cheerleader on days when you doubt yourself and have a hard time getting productive. A kind word is often all it takes to banish those doubts and get back to your happy, productive self.

Give these tips a try and see if they don’t help you get out of your funk and back into productive mode. Mix and match them as needed until you’re ready to get back to work.

Featured Personal Development Ebook:

I Believe - Eliminating Self-Doubt
Everyone doubts themselves. It is a normal part of being human. What matters is how you respond. You have two choices when it comes to responding. You can heed it, or you can go on and do something anyway. How you respond to self-doubt affects all areas of your life. It affects your personal life, your happiness, your relationships, work, finances, family etc. That’s why it’s so important to learn more about self-doubt and how to respond to it. By taking control, we can shape our life the way we would like it to be. And that’s what this guide is all about.

This guide will help you learn more about self-doubt, recognizing when you’re doubting yourself, and then finding a way for you to deal with it that helps you reach your goals, whatever they may be by providing you with the tools you need to accomplish this.

You will receive four files in one compressed file (ZIP file) for your personal use:
- 23-page Main Ebook in PDF
- 3-page Checklist in PDF
- 9 Powerpoint Slides
- 1 Infographic (600×1860) in JPG

Click on "I Believe - Eliminating Self-Doubt" for more info.

Price: $27.00
Price: $9.00





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