Category Archives: Planning

Hour Blocking: The Secret to Effective Time Management (Personal Development Article brought to you by Personal Development Blog)

Hour Blocking: The Secret to Effective Time Management

Time management is an essential skill, and hour blocking is an easy and powerful way to master this skill. You can use it to block off hours in your schedule and get more things finished. It enables you to take control of the minutes in each day. Follow this process…

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The Differences Between Those That Succeed and Those That Fail (Personal Development Article brought to you by Personal Development Blog)

The Differences Between Those That Succeed and Those That Fail

Success is a fascinating thing. There are good people with every possible advantage that struggle with success and life in general. It’s also easy to find people with no education, a poor attitude, and a lack of morality that seem to thrive. Both groups of people want to get ahead,…

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How to Achieve Huge Goals (Personal Development Article brought to you by Personal Development Blog)

How to Achieve Huge Goals

Achieving a huge goal is similar to achieving smaller goals. However, you must be much more diligent and aware of any negative thoughts associated with your goal. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and lose all your momentum. Huge goals take more time and persistence. If you’re up for the challenge,…

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Making a Living vs. Designing a Life (Personal Development Article brought to you by Personal Development Blog)

Making a Living vs. Designing a Life

Are you making a living or living a life that you designed? What’s the difference? Making a living is about survival. It’s making enough money to live an average life. It’s having a marriage that you can tolerate. It’s muddling by. >> More about this image: Inspirational Posters Designing a…

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Stop Overthinking and Make Decisions Confidently (Personal Development Article brought to you by Personal Development Blog)

Stop Overthinking and Make Decisions Confidently

Do you find yourself spending too much time pondering and not enough time getting things done? Overthinking is common, especially when making decisions. Overthinking wastes time and lowers your confidence. The most successful people make decisions quickly and stick with them. The less successful take too long to decide and…

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9 Actions That Will Enhance Your Personal Efficiency

Do you ever reach the end of the day, feel exhausted, but feel like you accomplished very little? Meanwhile, your coworker seems happy and relaxed and managed to accomplish a lot? Everyone has a different level of efficiency. Luckily, you can get more done and feel better at the end…

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8 Mistakes Successful People Don't Make – or Don’t Repeat (Personal Development Article brought to you by Personal Development Blog)

8 Mistakes Successful People Don’t Make – or Don’t Repeat

Do you keep making the same mistakes? If you do, you might find that you make little progress in your life. There is a huge opportunity to learn from your mistakes. Those that successfully learn from their mistakes wind up being highly successful. Those that repeat them struggle. Imagine how…

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The More I Practice by Gary Player Inspirational Quote Poster

Tips for Practicing and Mastering Any Skill

Expertise doesn’t come overnight. Even relatively simple skills can take some time to reach a high level of expertise. There are many theories of how long it takes to master a complex skill. The most common number is 10,000 hours. But it’s not enough to mindlessly practice something for 10,000…

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Negotiate Like A Pro Ebook

Negotiate Like A Pro Ebook

This month, we bring you our Personal Development Blog Ebook of The Month:     “Negotiate Like A Pro And Get What You Want More Often“   Thank you for checking out this month’s inspiring personal development ebook, “Negotiate Like A Pro And Get What You Want More Often“. For more…

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Most Busy Life by Victor Hugo

What is a Morning Ritual and Why Should You Create One

You probably have several rituals in your life. You go to bed at the same time every night. You drive the same way to work each morning, take the same route home every evening, and unconsciously reach for the remote as you fall onto your sofa at the end of…

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