Category Archives: Courage

Discover The Power of Taking Chances

Discover The Power of Taking Chances

One of the best ways to make positive changes to your life is to take more risks. Life is more exciting and rewarding when you’re willing to put yourself out there and take a few chances. Plus, successful people take more risks than unsuccessful people. With a little practice, you’ll…

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10 Intriguing Ways to Challenge Yourself for 30 Days Personal Development Article by Personal Development Blog

10 Intriguing Ways to Challenge Yourself for 30 Days

10 Intriguing Ways to Challenge Yourself for 30 Days Most likely, you won’t change the world in a month, but you can create new habits that put you on the road to making a difference in your world. Most people can drop or create a habit within 30 days. The…

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Secret Of Getting Ahead by Sally Berger Inspirational Quote Poster

11 Ways to Stimulate Personal Growth

11 Ways to Stimulate Personal Growth The mere thought of personal growth is enough to make many of us feel discouraged. It’s challenging to make meaningful changes. But if you want to make a difference in the world, or even just your own life, you’ll have to try something new.…

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Live An Authentic Life Inspirational Quote Poster

9 Ways to Live a More Authentic Life

9 Ways to Live a More Authentic Life Authenticity is to be true to one’s personality and character. It means you’re willing to show the world who you really are. You’re willing to live the life that you were meant to live. Authenticity is the ability to show your uniqueness…

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Habits That Build Courage

3 Habits That Build Courage

Just like the lion in the Wizard of Oz, you probably have more courage than you think. While you may find it difficult to ask a stranger to stop talking during a movie, you’d rise to the occasion if a wicked witch threatened you and your friends. In real life,…

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Stop Doubting Yourself and Pursue Your Dreams

5 Strategies to Stop Doubting Yourself and Pursue Your Dreams

Whether you feel that achieving your dreams are a long way off or just a few moments away, it’s essential that you feel confident that you can reach them. The key to getting your dreams to become a reality is to believe in yourself and your abilities. Only you can…

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Transcend the Fear in Your Life and Find Freedom

Transcend the Fear in Your Life and Find Freedom

Fear is a part of life, and some fear is helpful. You’re afraid to stick your hand into a fire or to jump off a cliff. If you weren’t afraid of anything, you wouldn’t live long. But most fears are crippling and influence your decisions in negative ways. Imagine you’re…

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The Power Within Ebook


This month, we bring you our Personal Development Blog Ebook of The Month:     “THE POWER WITHIN How to Gain Power and Influence at Work and in Life“   Thank you for checking out this month’s inspiring personal development ebook, “THE POWER WITHIN How to Gain Power and Influence at…

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Do You Allow Your Aversions to Control You? (Personal Development Article brought to you by Personal Development Blog)

Do You Allow Your Aversions to Control You?

We don’t like to admit it, but most aversions drive most of our decisions. We spend more time trying to avoid certain things than we do trying to achieve things. Consider just a few examples that represent most people: We’re more averse to exercise than we are driven to be…

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